Educational Websites

Reading Websites

Basic early literacy skills designed to help students start reading. Great for those trying to learn English, or grades K – 2.

Book Adventure
Similar to AR. Children read a book and take a quiz on it. They earn points with each quiz, and can earn prizes. You can search for a book list based on your reading ability and interests.

Just Read, Florida!
The Department of Education's webpage to help students with their summer reading.

Word Central
Vocabulary building website. Merriam-Webster Dictionaries put together these activities.

StoryLine Online
Well known actors and actresses read books and then the students have comprehension activities to complete. 

Story Place
A digital library with stories and activities for kids grouped by various themes.

Math Websites

Arcade style, grade specific, math games that kids will play over and over again.

AAA Math
Timed math drills and online practice for a variety of grade specific math problems

Cool Math
Interactive math games designed for kids to think and have fun.

On-Line Manipulatives
Activities are based upon grade level and area of math. Interactive manipulatives keep it fun.

Math Playground
An interactive website to develop basic math skills and logical thinking

BBC Math Games
A page from the BBC in England with math topics pertaining to children ages 4 – 11.

Timez Attack Mulitplication Games

Battle the monsters, machines, and dragons and learn your times tables at the same time. In the dowload box, download the version appropriate for your operating system. When the game installs, you will have to find our school by choosing United States, Florida, Orange County School District, then Hunter's Creek Elementary. The students will know the password!

Science and Social Studies Websites

Multimedia movies featuring Tim and Moby that teach topics in a fun and interesting way. Be sure to check out BrainPop Jr as well!

NASA Kid's Club
Official NASA website for children. A special feature this summer is the launch of Buzz Lightyear aboard the Discovery rocket. View his space journey from NASA Kids.

Explore a town and learn about different science concepts. Has science games and interactive activities.

National Geographic Kids
The popular magazine National Geographic has this website for kids.

Discovery Kids
The website for TV’s Discovery Channel, designed just for kids.

How Stuff Works
Explanations of how all kinds of things work. Try to find something you want to learn about!

Ben's Guide to Government
Benjamin Franklin helps students learn about the United States government.

World Almanac for Kids
Based on the World Almanac for Kids book, this website is an almanac aimed at children.